About us

School will be closed March 31st, 2025, Eid-al-Fitr

About Waverly

PS 156 remains a school that is in Good Standing. According to the most recent Quality Review (2017-2018), the school sets and communicates high expectations of all stakeholders and provides supports to achieve those expectations.

As of June 2019, all teachers will implement daily Guided Reading lessons with fidelity, thus leading to the strengthening of The Big 5 (fluency, phonics, phonemic awareness, vocabulary, and comprehension) which will result in an increase in reading levels as measured by F&P assessments and proficiency levels on the NYS ELA Exam. A focus will be placed on kindergarten through second grade special education teachers by providing them with targeted professional development on guided reading, differentiated instruction, small group instruction and Specifically Designed Instruction in an effort to increase SWDs reading levels by 2 levels so therefore the students will be reading on the appropriate grade level

We will also continue to prioritize problem solving through use of the S.O.L.V.E. strategy. This will support the school community with continuing to increase proficiency in Mathematics. As of August 2018, 21% of students are proficient in Mathematics. This number represents a 1% increase from the 2017 NYS Math Exams.

Contact Us

PS 156 Waverly 104 Sutter Avenue Brooklyn NY 1121

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